Garrison Brothers
Single Barrel - Barrel Shoppe Pick
Garrison Brothers
Garrison Brothers Single Barrel Whiskey
750 ml
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The embodiment of unique, authentic bourbon and arguably, the Holy Grail of Custom Craftsmanship. Every barrel has its own distinct personality and character, which is the true beauty of Single Barrel. The bourbon boasts a beautiful, dark copper color and long legs. The pronounced nose delivers butterscotch, oak, vanilla, and nutmeg, creating a warm and inviting environment. However, it’s the sweet oak flavor that really drives the taste.
About Single Barrel Bourbon Whiskey
Single barrel bourbon whiskey, a quintessential American spirit, has captured the hearts of whiskey lovers for generations with its rich history and unique flavor profile. Originating in Kentucky, bourbon offers a taste of tradition and craftsmanship with every pour. Whether enjoyed in cocktails or sipped neat, its versatility and depth of flavor make it a beloved choice worldwide.
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